Sign up to UKPW

UK Parliament Week 2024 is over but sign up now for UKPW 2025 to reserve your free UKPW kit!

Let's get started

Which UKPW booklet would you like to receive:*

This information will make sure you get the most age appropriate UKPW resources.

Where will your activity take place?

We're asking this so we can see what fantastic activities are happening across the UK.

Is this where you would like your UKPW kit sent?*
Which of these best describes your organisation?*
Please select the type of education*
Please select the type of organisation*

Please select the type of organisation*

Tell us about your UKPW activity

Who will take part in your UKPW activity? Are the majority: (tick all that apply)* 5

This information helps us make sure UKPW is relevant to everyone.

Will you need the UKPW booklet in an additional format? (tick all that apply)
Can we let your local MP know that you’re taking part in UKPW?*
Can we let your local journalists know that you're taking part in UKPW*

Here's the serious bit

By signing up you are agreeing to receive communications about UK Parliament Week. Your kit will be sent in the post to your delivery address and we will send you emails with the latest news about UKPW. If you change your mind, you'll be able to opt-out but it may mean that you will not receive your UKPW kit.

Have you read our terms and conditions and our privacy statement? *

Before you go